beet flavored sugar cookies from icing

When  frosting a big cake, we invariably end up with extra icing that can be stored in the fridge for a week. But even kids would not like to eat plain icing after consuming a rich cake just a few days before. After making this cake last week, I had some beet-colored icing made with palm oil shortening. I decided to make some cookies with it. This increases shelf life of remainder frosting and make a delicious evening snack.

Preparation time: 25 minutes makes: 10-12 cookies


whole wheat pastry flour- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp.

almond meal- 1/4 cup

icing- 1/4 cup

Spectrum coconut oil- 2 tbsp.

vanilla extract- 2 tsp.

(The icing was made with 1 cup of organic Spectrum shortening, 2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar and 6-7 tsp. beet juice)


* Pre-heat oven to 325 °F.

* Mix all ingredients in a bowl and form a dough. Roll into small balls and flatten onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Allow room for expansion.


* Bake for 14-15 minutes and cool on a wire rack. Store the crisp treats in an airtight box.


19 responses to “beet flavored sugar cookies from icing

  1. These look delicious, I know people use icing for cake pops and they are super moist so I am guessing the icing made for very moist cookies, what a great idea! Also love that you used natural color from beets, I have to look at the cake recipe 🙂


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