Strawberry Lychee summer drink


I have been MIA for the past week as I was away on a road trip. Had a great time, and took a complete break from checking other blogs and thinking about future posts.

Now I have a lot of catching up to do on the blogging front. I’m back with this post of a refreshing summer drink! Bringing this to Fiesta Friday #28, the virtual party over at Angie’s blog, hosted this week by Margot and Saucy. Also submitting this recipe to the Virtual Vegan Linky Potluck #6 hosted by the Unrefined Vegan.

I had heard about the lychee /lychi fruit but actually got to see one only after coming to the U.S. It is a tropical fruit grown originally in China and some parts of India. You would find his fruit in an Indian or International market. I got a bag of lychis recently at an international market, but was somewhat puzzled that I could not find out which ones are sweet. And disappointed that the kids did not like the texture of the fruit.  Simple answer: blend into a drink! It is delicious, naturally sweet, so no sweetener is needed. I added strawberries for added color and flavor.

Find out more about this exotic fruit here.

This is how the fruit looks up close:


Peeled and seed taken out:



lychees- 15

strawberries- 5


Peel and remove seeds from lychees. Hull strawberries. Blend.

29 responses to “Strawberry Lychee summer drink

  1. We went on a road trip at the same time! I am definitely behind on reading blogs, and thinking about future posts. I absolutely love learning more about the lychee though, I’ve never seen one before! Happy FF, and have a wonderful weekend. 🙂


  2. This summer drink is absolutely perfect.
    I am glad to know that you had a wonderful road trip. And catching up with the blogs really needs time. I have not done that until now and I have missed so much already. 😦 I really wish I will have more time in blogging. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and glad you are back here at FF.


  3. Pingback: Fiesta Friday #28 | The Novice Gardener·

  4. Pingback: Virtual Vegan LINKY Potluck 7 « anunrefinedvegan·

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